Hi! I'm Jenae Wilson,
Global immigration Consultant and VAWA advocate.
I work with individuals who have been physically or emotionally abused by their;
*U.S. citizen spouse or green card holder.
*Parents of U.S. citizens over 21.
*Abused child under 21, unmarried, and have been abused by your U.S. citizen or permanent resident parent.
What Can we Do For You?
99.8% Approval ratings. We are committed to preparing your Marriage based Immigration forms at a competitive rate! without breaking the bank.
Service guaranteed
✅ Real time text alert about the status of our application.
✅ CompletION OF ALL forms plus FINAL review 3 times.
✅ Secured data and privacy protectioN.
✅ Free shipping to USCIS
✅ PLUS Ongoing supporT

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